Three people working on laptops with code on screens.

With a surge in the growth of web technologies, it has paved the way for greater demand from businesses across all industries for skilled front-end developers to help create modern and user-friendly web experiences for their customers. 

The growing need for such talent has put front-end developers in a position where they have become an incredibly valuable and indispensable part in the process of creating web applications and digital products. They are the visionaries working behind the scenes to create stunning visuals, interactive content, and a sleek user interface that captivate a company’s specified target audience. 

Generally, front-end developer skills comprise programming, web design, user experience and the use of development tools, making them an integral part of any company’s tech team.

Front-end developer job vs back-end developer job - what’s the difference?

Back-End Developers are specifically focused on the part of computer operations that the user doesn’t usually see. The front-end developer’s job, on the other hand, is to work on the exact opposite. Let’s put this into perspective to make it easier to differentiate the difference between front-end development and back-end development. When you use a screen at work for various functions, the chances are its creation is the result of a front-end developer’s skills and computer savvy. In many instances, they take the visions of a website designer and work their magic to turn these ideas into a reality.

Front-end developer jobs - What are the duties and responsibilities?

Front-end developer responsibilities stretch far as wide as you will be responsible for creating and maintaining the user-facing side of web applications. You will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design various components of a web application, like websites, mobile apps, and online stores. The front-end developer’s job doesn't end there as it is also their domain to develop user interfaces and ensure a consistent look and feel is maintained across all platforms. You will need to stay abreast of the latest trends in web development technology, which requires constant in-depth research, while also taking on the challenge of solving potentially complex queries that requires top-notch problem solving capabilities. It doesn’t stop there, though, as one of the major skills all front-end developers need to have relates to the proficiency in debugging and testing applications to ensure the highest quality and performance is upheld every single time.

This barely scratches the surface, however, as the following also fall under the responsibilities of a front-end developer:

  • Overseeing the structure and design of web pages and making them as user-friendly as possible
  • Developing user-facing applications and monitoring their effectiveness
  • Working alongside colleagues and other stakeholders to ensure speed and stability of the user experience
  • Understanding the needs of the company and working with relevant personnel to ensure maximum effectiveness of web pages
  • Working with back-end developers to ensure all pages work according to briefs
  • Changing design and content of existing pages for the benefit of users, clients, and colleagues

Front-end developer skills and qualities - what exactly do you need?

To be a successful front-end developer, a strong eye for detail and a somewhat pedantic nature will prove to be advantageous. Those who are extremely organised and methodical will be well-equipped to cope with the pressures that can and will arise during busy times. Excellent time management skills will be important, as will the ability to take on a leadership role and assist in solving what others may see as overly complex problems.

When applying for jobs, Front-End Developers tend to already have work experience or will have a background in similar areas such as web development, cloud engineering and programming. In some organisations, they seek a two-in-one package as the role of a front-end developer is combined with that of back-end developer.

Aside from previous experience and a strong set of skills, front-end developers must possess comprehensive knowledge of their industry and various aspects of the job, including the hosting environments, systems frameworks, database management and programming languages. What makes this so desirable and useful is that the proficiency in these areas is easily transferable from one industry sector to another, as long as the individual can display a sound understanding of the company’s business requirements.

Front-end developer job qualifications and technical skills?

First and foremost, there are a number of technological applications that a front-end developer will need to have sound knowledge of, including HTML, CSS, databases and working with Apis. Experience with one or more of the popular JavaScript FE frameworks such as React, Vue or Svelte is also highly advantageous. This is by its very nature a highly technical job, so those who succeed will constantly keep a close eye on future developments in the fields of software, user interfaces, hardware, and cloud computing. 

From an education standpoint, front-end developers will have obtained a university degree in a relevant subject, often in computer science, web development, computer programming, information technology or advanced mathematics. Bootcamps are becoming more widely available and present a great entry point into the wondrous world of front-end development and potential job prospects.

Career development - What is the next step after becoming a front-end developer?

Prior to entering the world of front-end web development, many individuals may have worked as a Back-End Developer, Cloud Engineer and DevOps Engineer. As time progresses and you hone your skills even further, there are plenty of incredible career pathways that will start to open up. Some of the jobs that await front-end developers looking to take the next step in their careers include senior or full stack developer or IT Director. This paves the way for you to work on bigger projects that have a greater impact on the company’s overall performance.

Front-end developer salary and remuneration

The salary for front-end developers has become increasingly competitive as they have established themselves as an increasingly valuable asset to have in the modern digital age. As you develop your skills, take on bigger and more complex projects, and ascend up the career ladder to more senior roles, your salary as a front-end developer, full stack developer or even web development will continue to rise. 

Find the latest front-end developer jobs

Michael Page provides the latest front-end developer jobs, so that you can kickstart your career in this growing field or take your profession to the next level by applying for more senior roles. 

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